DistMesh Function Reference
Syntax: |
e=boundedges(p,t) |
Description: |
Find all the boundary edges e in triangular mesh p,t. |
Comments: |
Useful for implementation of boundary
conditions for PDE solvers. See surftri for 3-D version. |
Syntax: |
[pc,r]=circumcenter(p,t) |
Description: |
Compute the circumcenters pc and the circumradii r
for all triangles in the mesh p,t. |
Comments: |
Not vectorized. |
Syntax: |
d=dcircle(p,xc,yc,r) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for circle centered at xc,yc with
radius r. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
d=ddiff(d1,d2) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for set difference of two regions
described by signed distance functions d1,d2. |
Comments: |
Not exactly the true signed distance function for the difference,
for example around corners. |
Syntax: |
d=dellipse(p,axes) |
Description: |
Compute distance from points p to the ellipse centered at the origin
with axes=[a,b]. |
Comments: |
C++ code, uses LAPACK for eigenvalue problem. |
Syntax: |
d=dellipsoid(p,axes) |
Description: |
Compute distance from points p to the ellipsoid centered at the origin
with axes=[a,b,c]. |
Comments: |
C++ code, uses LAPACK for eigenvalue problem. |
Syntax: |
d=dexpr(p,fin,nit,alpha) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for general implicit expression fin.
The parameters nit and alpha have the default values 20 and 0.1. |
Comments: |
Requires the Symbolic Toolbox, although easy to rewrite to
accept derivatives of fin as inputs. The performance is poor,
a simple C implementation makes a big difference. |
Syntax: |
d=dintersect(d1,d2) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for set intersection of two regions
described by signed distance functions d1,d2. |
Comments: |
Not exactly the true signed distance function for the intersection,
for example around corners. |
Syntax: |
[p,t]=distmesh2d(fd,fh,h0,bbox,pfix,fparams) |
Description: |
2-D Mesh Generator. See other documentation for details on usage. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
[p,t]=distmeshnd(fd,fh,h0,bbox,pfix,fparams) |
Description: |
3-D Mesh Generator. See other documentation for details on usage. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
[p,t]=distmeshsurface(fd,fh,h0,bbox,fparams) |
Description: |
3-D Surface Mesh Generator. See other documentation for details on usage. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
d=dmatrix(p,xx,yy,dd) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function by interpolation of the values dd on
the Cartesian grid xx,yy. |
Comments: |
xx,yy can be created with meshgrid. |
Syntax: |
d=dmatrix3d(p,xx,yy,zz,dd) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function by interpolation of the values dd on
the Cartesian grid xx,yy,zz. |
Comments: |
xx,yy,zz can be created with ndgrid. |
Syntax: |
d=dpoly(p,pv) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for polygon with vertices pv. |
Comments: |
Uses dsegment and inpolygon. It is usually good to provide pv
as fix points to distmesh2d. |
Syntax: |
d=drectangle(p,x1,x2,y1,y2) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for rectangle with corners (x1,y1),
(x2,y1), (x1,y2), (x2,y2). |
Comments: |
Incorrect distance to the four corners, see drectangle0 for a true
distance function. |
Syntax: |
d=drectangle0(p,x1,x2,y1,y2) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for rectangle with corners (x1,y1),
(x2,y1), (x1,y2), (x2,y2). |
Comments: |
See drectangle for simpler version ignoring corners. |
Syntax: |
ds=dsegment(p,pv) |
Description: |
Compute distance from points p to the line segments in pv. |
Comments: |
C++ code, used by dpoly. |
Syntax: |
d=dsphere(p,xc,yc,zc,r) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for sphere centered at xc,yc,zc with
radius r. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
d=dunion(d1,d2) |
Description: |
Compute signed distance function for set union of two regions
described by signed distance functions d1,d2. |
Comments: |
Not exactly the true signed distance function for the union,
for example around corners. |
Syntax: |
[p,t]=fixmesh(p,t) |
Description: |
Remove duplicated and unused nodes from p and update t correspondingly. Also make all elements orientations equal. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
h=hmatrix(p,xx,yy,dd,hh) |
Description: |
Compute mesh size function by interpolation of the values hh on
the Cartesian grid xx,yy. |
Comments: |
xx,yy can be created with meshgrid. The parameter dd is not used,
but included to get a syntax consistent with dmatrix. |
Syntax: |
h=hmatrix3d(p,xx,yy,zz,dd,hh) |
Description: |
Compute mesh size function by interpolation of the values hh on
the Cartesian grid xx,yy,zz. |
Comments: |
xx,yy,zz can be created with ndgrid. The parameter dd is not used,
but included to get a syntax consistent with dmatrix. |
Syntax: |
h=huniform(p) |
Description: |
Implements the trivial uniform mesh size function h=1. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
meshdemo2d |
Description: |
Demonstration of distmesh2d. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
meshdemond |
Description: |
Demonstration of distmeshnd. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
[t2t,t2n]=mkt2t(t) |
Description: |
Compute element connectivities from element indices. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
p=protate(p,phi) |
Description: |
Rotate points p the angle phi around origin. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
p=pshift(p,x0,y0) |
Description: |
Move points p by (x0,y0). |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
simpplot(p,t,expr,bcol,icol) |
Description: |
Plot 2-D or 3-D mesh p,t. The parameters expr, bcol, icol
are only used in 3-D and they have default values. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
q=simpqual(p,t,type) |
Description: |
Compute qualities of triangular or tetrahedral elements in
the mesh p,t. If type==1 (default) the inradius/outradius expression
is used. If type==2 a slightly different expression is used. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
v=simpvol(p,t) |
Description: |
Compute the signed volumes of the simplex elements in the mesh p,t. |
Comments: |
Syntax: |
tri=surftri(p,t) |
Description: |
Find all the surface triangles tri in tetrahedral mesh p,t. |
Comments: |
Used by simpplot. Also useful for implementation of boundary
conditions for PDE solvers. See boundedges for 2-D version. |
Syntax: |
u=uniformity(p,t,fh,fparams) |
Description: |
Computes "uniformity measure", that is, how close the element sizes
in the mesh p,t are to the desired mesh size function fh. |
Comments: |
Per-Olof Persson Department of Mathematics, MIT