Math 124 - Programming for Mathematical Applications

UC Berkeley, Spring 2024

Course details


Other readings

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Lec Date Topic Notes Other readings
1 Tu 1/16 Introduction, notebooks, markdown, LaTeX MD, LX1, LX2
2 Th 1/18 Basic Julia operations, variables, expressions 1.1-1.2 Think: 1,2
3 Tu 1/23 Functions, for-loops 1.3-1.4 Think: 3,6,4
4 Th 1/25 Conditional statements, iteration 1.5-1.7 Think: 5,7
5 Tu 1/30 Arrays, plotting 2,3 Think: 10, PyPlot
6 Th 2/01 Debugging 4 Think: (every chapter)
7 Tu 2/06 Random number and Monte Carlo simulation 5 Insight: 6
8 Th 2/08 More on arrays, vectorization 6 Julia: 19
9 Tu 2/13 Recursion, divide-and-conquer algorithms 8 Insight: 14
10 Th 2/15 Data Types: rational/complex/higher precision 7 Julia: 6, 44.4
11 Tu 2/20 Matrix operations, linear algebra 9 Julia: 77
12 Th 2/22 Strings, File processing 10 Julia 7,21, Think: 8,11,14
13 Tu 2/27 Floating-point, Algorithmic efficiency 18.1-18.2
14 Th 2/29 Review
15 Tu 3/05 Midterm exam
16 Th 3/07 Computational geometry 12
17 Tu 3/12 Computational geometry (continued) 12
18 Th 3/14 Differential equations, dynamical systems 14
19 Tu 3/19 Structs, types, object orientation 11 Think: 15-17
20 Th 3/21 Image processing algorithms 13 Insight: 12
Tu 3/26 Spring Break - No lecture
Th 3/28 Spring Break - No lecture
21 Tu 4/02 Graphs, data structures and algorithms 16
22 Th 4/04 (continued)
23 Tu 4/09 Sparse matrices, the Google PageRank algorithm 17
24 Th 4/11 Symbolic algebra 1 M1-M6
25 Tu 4/16 Symbolic algebra 2 M7-M12
26 Th 4/18 Optimization, packages and applications 15 Insight: 15
27 Tu 4/23 Performance, interfacing with other languages
28 Th 4/25 Review
RRR week 4/29-5/3
Th 5/09 Final exam

Homework, quizzes, and projects

Homework Quiz Project Due date
1 Wed 1/24
2 1 Wed 1/31
3 Wed 2/7
1 Fri 2/9
4 2 Wed 2/14
5 Wed 2/21
6 3 Wed 2/28
2 Fri 3/1
7 Wed 3/13
8 4 Wed 3/20
3 Fri 3/22
9 Wed 4/3
10 5 Wed 4/10
4 Fri 4/12
11 Wed 4/17
12 6 Wed 4/24
5 Fri 4/26

GSIs and Discussion Sections

Sec Time Room GSI E-mail ( Office hours
101 W 9 - 10 VLSB 2038 Yixiang Luo yixiangluo Wed 11am-1pm, Evans 1097
102 W 10 - 11 VLSB 2062 Yixiang Luo yixiangluo Wed 11am-1pm, Evans 1097
103 W 11 - 12 Dwinelle 283 Grace Zdeblick grace_zdeblick Wed 1-3pm, Evans 747
104 W 12 - 1 Dwinelle 106 Tomasz Schang tom_schang Mon 3-4:30pm, Evans 1042