UC Berkeley Math 228B, Spring 2024, Problem Set 4

Per-Olof Persson

Due March 15

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  1. Consider the boundary value problem \[\begin{aligned} u''''(x) &= f(x) \equiv 480x - 120, \qquad \text{for } x \in (0,1) &&(1)\\ u(0) &= u'(0) = u(1) = u'(1) = 0 &&(2) \end{aligned}\]

    1. Derive the following Galerkin formulation for the problem (1)-(2) on some appropriate function space \(V_h\): Find \(u_h \in V_h\) such that \[\begin{aligned} \int_0^1 u_h''(x) v''(x)\, dx = \int_0^1 f(x) v(x)\, dx, \qquad \forall v \in V_h. &&(3) \end{aligned}\]

    2. Define the triangulation \(T_h = \{K_1, K_2\}\), where \(K_1 = [0,\frac12]\) and \(K_2 = [\frac12,1]\), and the function space \[\begin{aligned} V_h = \{ v\in C^1([0,1]) : v\big|_K \in \mathbb{P}_3(K)\ \forall K\in T_h,\ v(0)=v'(0)=v(1)=v'(1)=0 \}. \end{aligned}\] Find a basis \(\{\varphi_i\}\) for \(V_h\). Hint: Consider Hermite polynomials on each element.

    3. Solve the Galerkin problem (3) using your basis functions. Plot the numerical solution \(u_h(x)\) and the true solution \(u(x)\).

  2. Implement a Julia function with the syntax

       u = fempoi(p,t,e)

    that solves Poissons’s equation \(-\nabla^2 u(x,y)=1\) on the domain described by the unstructured triangular mesh p,t. The boundary conditions are homogeneous Neumann (\(n\cdot\nabla u=0\)) except for the nodes in the array e which are homogeneous Dirichlet (\(u=0\)).

    Here are a few examples for testing the function:

    # Square, Dirichlet left/bottom
    pv = Float64[0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1; 0 0]
    p, t, e = pmesh(pv, 0.15, 0)
    e = e[@. (p[e,1] < 1e-6) | (p[e,2] < 1e-6)]
    u = fempoi(p, t, e)
    tplot(p, t, u)
    # Circle, all Dirichlet
    n = 32; phi = 2pi*(0:n)/n
    pv = [cos.(phi)  sin.(phi)]
    p, t, e = pmesh(pv, 2pi/n, 0)
    u = fempoi(p, t, e)
    tplot(p, t, u)
    # Generic polygon geometry, mixed Dirichlet/Neumann
    x = 0:.1:1
    y = 0.1*(-1).^(0:10)
    pv = [x y; .5 .6; 0 .1]
    p, t, e = pmesh(pv, 0.04, 0)
    e = e[@. p[e,2] > (.6 - abs(p[e,1] - 0.5) - 1e-6)]
    u = fempoi(p, t, e)
    tplot(p, t, u)


  3. Implement a Julia function with the syntax

       errors = poiconv(pv, hmax, nrefmax)

    that solves the all-Dirichlet Poisson problem for the polygon pv, using the mesh parameters hmax and nref = 0,1,...,nrefmax. Consider the solution on the finest mesh the exact solution, and compute the max-norm of the errors at the nodes for all the other solutions (note that this is easy given how the meshes were refined – the common nodes appear first in each mesh). The output errors is a vector of length nrefmax containing all the errors.

    Test the function using the commands below, which makes a convergence plot and estimates the rates:

    hmax = 0.15
    pv_square = Float64[0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1; 0 0]
    pv_polygon = Float64[0 0; 1 0; .5 .5; 1 1; 0 1; 0 0]
    errors_square = poiconv(pv_square, hmax, 3)
    errors_polygon = poiconv(pv_polygon, hmax, 3)
    errors = [errors_square errors_polygon]
    loglog(hmax ./ [1,2,4], errors)
    rates = @. log2(errors[end-1,:]) - log2(errors[end,:])

Code Submission: Your Julia file needs to define the functions fempoi and poiconv, with exactly the requested names and input/output arguments, as well as any other supporting functions and variables that are required for your functions to run correctly.