2-D Nonperiodic Boundary Conditions
Problem Specification
All units are dimensionless.
Model Data
- Width = 4
- Height = 1 (before perturbation)
- Young's Modulus E = 1
- Poisson's Ratio nu = 0.3
- Prestraining epsilon_x = 1
- Surface tension sigma = Varying (see below)
- Initial Configuration = Band limited white noise (see below)
- Boundary conditions: v=0 at bottom, u=x at left/right
Numerical Data
- Grid size 257x97=24929 nodes
- 49858 Degrees of freedom
- Timestep dt=0.0005
Results and Animations
The movies are encoded with DivX, download the "Standard DivX Codec(FREE)"
from http://www.divx.com/divx.
Time between frames = 0.0025. The color shows the energy density, from low
(blue) to high (red).
Per-Olof Persson <persson@mit.edu>
July 22, 2004