Educational MATLAB Software
Per-Olof Persson, UC Berkeley Mathematics
Tridiagonal Eigenvalues in MATLAB -
Interface to LAPACK routines for computing eigenvalues of tridiagonal
matrices and singular values of bidiagonal matrices
Level Set Demo -
Simple MATLAB scripts for illustration of explicit/implicit interface
tracking, reinitialization, and the fast marching method.
fempoisson.m - Solves the Poisson
equation on an unstructured grid (square in this example but easy to
change) using linear finite elements. Good start to learn about
implementation of FEM.
poiunit.m - Fourier solution of
Poisson's equation on the unit line, square, or cube. Good for
verification of Poisson solvers, but slow if many Fourier terms are
used (high accuracy).
laplacefft.m - Solve the Laplace
equation on a rectangular domain using the FFT. Supports Dirichlet or
Dirichlet/Neumann conditions. Contains the following short functions
for discrete Sine and Cosine transforms:
dst.m - Discrete Sine Transform DST-I
idst.m - Inverse Discrete Sine
Transform IDST-I
dct.m - Discrete Cosine Transform
idct.m - Inverse Discrete Cosine
Transform DCT-I
Implementation of Finite Element-Based
Navier-Stokes Solver